


スクウェア・エニックス、SUZUKI、TOYOTA、資生堂、GINZA SIX 、チョーヤ、KDDI等、TVCMをはじめ様々なメデイアで音楽を担当。


2012年からはロンドン・ロイヤル・オペラ・ハウスのコンサートマスター、ヴァイオリニスト“ヴァスコ ヴァッシレフ”のサポートキーボードを務めるなど演奏家としても活動。これまでに東京ジャズフェスティバル等、国内外問わず多くの音楽祭に出演。


2019年よりKan Sano、Ippei(SANABAGUN.)らとLast Electroとして活動を開始。2020年1stEP”closer”リリース。

2023年、BLU-SWINGでは約8年ぶりとなるフルアルバム「Spectre (スペクトル)」をリリースし、杭州・上海・広州・深圳で行われた初の中国ツアーもソールドアウト。


Yusuke Nakamura is a Japanese composer and music producer.

In 2008, Major debut from Nippon Columbia as a member of BLU - SWING.

He is responsible for music with a variety of media including Square Enix "Mobius Final Fantasy", Shiseido corporate visual music.

As a remixer and music arranger, worked for TLC, Earth, Wind & Fire, Kiyoshiro Imawano 's work. He has published a variety of works transcending genres.

From 2012 he has also worked with who is a concert master and the violinist "Vasco Vassil" at the London Royal Opera House, as a support keyboardist.

He has performed in numerous music festivals in Japan and abroad, including the Tokyo Jazz Festival.

As a solo activity, while doing original solo performance that mixes with finger drumming and keyboard performance, He released his own albums which have fusion jazz, soul, and electronics with avant-garde style in 2014 and 2016.

These solo albums "ONN" in 2014, and "SN" in 2016 were released from IRMA record in Italy.